Sunday, October 2, 2011

Lesson 39, outside entry, right trap, left hit #3

After using the attempted outside entry, your attacking arm( right arm in video) is stopped by training partners right arm. You keep pressing in with your attack, and use the forearm angle to press his defensive arm down and towards him. This allows you to slide your left arm attack along the trapped arm, and into the throat area.

This particular follow up works well against a defending arm that is either not strong, not having any real forwards pressure, or not well out from the defender. If there is forwards pressure, our goal is not to match it, but to press downwards on it so as to avoid direct force on force. Normally a movement of the arm of only an inch or two creates a big enough open area to hit to the throat, while still keeping our own elbow low enough to guard us. Reaching over is to be avoided as this creates space that our opponent could strike up and under our arms to our throat or head area.

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